Activity Highlights

Seminar on Construction and Management of Open Platforms for Developing Countries and Seminar on Media Talent Training for Angola (Curso de Formação dos Talentos da Mídia de Angola) Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-12-21

In the evening of December 21, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremonies for the Seminar on Construction and Management of Open Platforms (Free Trade Zones, Development Zones, Special Customs Supervision Zones, High-Tech Development Zones, International Industrial Cooperation Parks & Overseas Economic Cooperation Parks) for Developing Countries and the Seminar on Media Talent Training for Angola (Curso de Formação dos Talentos da Mídia de Angola) hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College, attended both ceremonies and delivered speeches. Expert representatives, Associate Professor Pang Lei from Tongji University and Associate Professor Chen Yasai from Shanghai Normal University attended the corresponding ceremonies and both delivered speeches.

Closing ceremoniesClosing ceremonies

As the largest developing country, China has always been firmly committed to safeguarding the common interests of developing countries, providing assistance to developing countries as much as it can, and always sharing the same destiny and development with them. By organizing the 2 seminars, SBS shared China’s successful experiences in the construction and management of open platforms and media talent cultivation, which will provide reference for the participating countries and enhance their independent development in this field.

Speech by Chen WeiSpeech by Chen Wei

Focusing on the topic, the Seminar on Construction and Management of Open Platforms for Developing Countries invited experts and scholars from Tongji University, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, ZOINA Hi-Tech Industry Group, Shanghai Free Trade Zone Joint Development Co., Ltd. and other units to introduce China’s specific measures for construction and management of open platforms with actual cases, allowing the fellow participants to have a more comprehensive understanding on China’s exploration and practice in the field from macro to micro. The Seminar on Media Talent Training invited experts and scholars from the Central University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Normal University, The Paper, and other units to share their research results with the fellow participants on topics such as the quality and cultivation of new media talents, the current situation of China’s media management and operation, urban image communication strategies in the era of social media, the development of Chinese news media and international exchange and cooperation, etc.

Speeches by Pang Lei & Chen YasaiSpeeches by Pang Lei & Chen Yasai

The 2 Seminars were unanimously approved by the participants. In the Seminar on Construction and Management of Open Platforms for Developing Countries, Ms. Gennet Abreham, the director for the Manufacturing and export trade directorate of the Ethiopian customs commission, said, “I really thank you for this opportunity. This training had a great importance for me which is directly related to my duty. I have learnt a lot from the development of Chinas free trade zone and also how the implementation of customs procedures has been simplified, modernized and harmonized.” In the Seminar on Media Talent Training for Angola, Mr. Pedro Sarkembe Gonsalves, deputy director of the Angolan Journalists Training Center, said, “In today’s world, without media or social contact and without training, it would be a chaos and a desert where everyone is stuck in their own way. The Seminar courses make everyone more aware of themselves and the outside world. The Seminar brought together the right people at the right time. We are proud of learning sufficient knowledge despite the tight schedule, and we promise to put everything we learned into practice.

Speeches by the Representatives of the Fellow ParticipantsSpeeches by the Representatives of the Fellow Participants

Group PhotosGroup Photos

The 21-day Seminar on Construction and Management of Open Platforms for Developing Countries included 46 fellow participants from 13 countries, including Botswana, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Nigeria, Oman, Sierra Leone, Turkey, South Africa, Sri Lanka and Uzbekistan. The 14-day Seminar on Media Talent Training for Angola covered 77 fellow participants from 8 media departments, including Angola Daily, Angola News Agency, Angola Journalists Training Center, Angola National Radio, etc.


Written by: Sun Ya & Wan Wen

Photos by: Sun Ya & Wan Wen

Reviewed by: Chen Wei