Activity Highlights

Семинар по антимонопольному регулированию и регулированию деятельности товарных бирж в Узбекистане Successfully Launched

creation date:2024-08-22

On the morning of August 21, the opening ceremony of Семинар по антимонопольному регулированию и регулированию деятельности товарных бирж в Узбекистане, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and hosted by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) at Shanghai Business School, was successfully held. Chen Wei, Deputy Director of the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), and Wang Bo, Director of the MIB Education Center at the School of International Trade and Economics, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, attended the ceremony and delivered speeches.

Scene of the Opening Ceremony

Over the past 32 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Uzbekistan have consistently adhered to the guidance of their respective leaders, forging stronger ties through bilateral and multilateral forums, maintaining active communication, and extending mutual support on matters of core concern. The two nations view each other as reliable partners and amicable neighbors. Uzbekistan plays a pivotal role in the “Belt and Road” Initiative and has made significant contributions to its progress. In January this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev jointly announced the development of an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era, setting a higher benchmark for the development of a China-Uzbekistan community with a shared future.

Speech by Chen Wei

Chen Wei highlighted that since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Uzbekistan have upheld mutual respect, good-neighborliness, solidarity, and win-win cooperation. This steadfast commitment has led to remarkable progress in bilateral relations, with fruitful achievements across various domains.The convening of this seminar represents a concrete step toward implementing the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Uzbekistan. It aims to provide the participants with insights into China’s practices and experiences in antitrust and commodity exchange regulation, broaden and deepen international cooperation in these areas, explore opportunities and pathways for improving people’s livelihoods, and contribute to the qualitative upgrading of practical cooperation within the “Belt and Road” framework.

Speech by Wang Bo

Wang Bo emphasized that in the era of globalization, bolstering economic exchanges and cooperation between China and Uzbekistan holds profound significance for fostering regional and global economic development. Antitrust and commodity exchange regulation are integral components of economic governance, playing a crucial role in ensuring fair market competition, protecting consumer rights, and promoting sustainable economic growth. She expressed her hope that this seminar would equip participants with a comprehensive understanding of the importance and complexities of antitrust and commodity exchange regulation, thereby contributing to the economic development of both nations.

Speech by Representative of Participants

On behalf of all the participants, Mr. Azizbek Orazmamedov, Chief Expert of the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of Uzbekistan, provided an overview of Uzbekistan’s efforts in antitrust and commodity exchange regulation. He conveyed his optimism that the seminar would enhance their expertise in critical areas such as combating unfair competition, addressing cartel agreements, enforcing antitrust regulation, and safeguarding consumer protection, thereby enhancing their professional capabilities and better fulfilling their responsibilities.

This 14-day seminar has drawn 30 participants from the Competition Promotion and Consumer Protection Committee of Uzbekistan. The participants will engage in field visits to Qingdao and Jiaozhou in Shandong Province.

Written by: Hong Xingzhi

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei