Activity Highlights

Seminar on Currency and Bank Management for French-speaking African Countries Organized by Our University Kicked Off

creation date:2021-09-03

On the afternoon of September 2, 2021(GMT+8), the Opening Ceremony for " Seminar on Currency and Bank Management for French-speaking African Countries " hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Ms. Liu Beimin, Researcher with Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of our university attended the opening ceremony.

(Main Site of the Online Opening Ceremony)

Ms.Liu Beimin expressed her warm congratulations on behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce. She said that China and Africa have always been good brothers and partners sharing weal and woe. In the face of the epidemic, China-Africa economic and trade cooperation still maintains strong vitality, and economic and trade investment cannot be separated from the support of financial services. Therefore, the theme of this Seminar is currency and bank management, which has very important practical significance. She hopes that African financial institutions will take this seminar as an opportunity to carry out in-depth exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with China and give strong support to Chinese enterprises' economic and trade investment projects in Africa.

(Speech by Liu Beimin)

Mr.Chen Wei said that as the organizer, our university is willing to closely cooperate with participating countries, improve the cooperation level in various fields, especially currency and bank management field, and work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind. In addition to the experts from our university, we also invited experts and scholars from Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance College, East China University of Science and Technology, China Galaxy Securities Co., Ltd., Nanyang Commercial Bank (China) and other institutions.They will share their practical experience and research results from various aspects such as commercial bank management practices, RMB internationalization, and financial reforms in free trade zones, etc.

(Speech by Chen Wei )

Mr. Kuaku Yasinz Kra, Chief Financial Officer of the Marawi District from the Ministry of State Budget and Assets of Côte d’Ivoire, thanked China for the preparations for this Seminar. He believes that China has always been strengthening its partnership with African countries and this Seminar is China's commitment to Africa. By learning from China's concepts and practices in currency and bank management, they will definitely be able to develop new ideas in this field, so as to apply what they have learned and contribute to the improvement of the African countries'currency and bank management level.

(Speech by Representative of Participants)

This Seminar will last for 14 days, 52 officials from 5 French-speaking countries including Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Mali, Morocco and Tunisia will participate in the training.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei