Activity Highlights

Forum on Green City Development was held successfully

creation date:2021-09-30

On the evening of September 29(GMT+8), the Forum on Green City Development was successfully held by our university. The forum was conducted both online and offline, and was hosted by Vice President He Ying. Luo Zhisong, Chief Economist of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Chen Lei, Director of the Standard Quota Management Office of the Shanghai Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Construction Management Committee delivered speeches successively. Pan Haixiao, Professor of Urban Transportation Research Institute of Tongji University, Wang Lei, Dean of Design Management Institute of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd., Huang Hao, Senior Engineer of Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., and Mona Farrag, Chief Urban and Regional Planner of the Land Planning Bureau of the Ministry of Egyptian housing, public utilities and Urban and Community Affairs, also delivered keynote speeches in turn.

Liu Beimin, Researcher with Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Wei Kun, Vice Chief Architect of the Planning Center of the Central Design Management Institute of China Construction Eighth Engineering Co., Ltd., Jiang Qi, Senior Manager of the Science and Technology Department of China Construction Eighth Engineering Co., Ltd., Qi Zhenfeng, Vice Dean of the Planning and Transportation Institute of Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., Su Jie, Director of Overseas Department and Vice Director of the Business Planning Department of Shanghai Urban Construction Design and Research Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., and Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education, attended the forum.

(Main Site of the Forum)

62 participants from relevant departments of national housing, public utilities and town planning, land planning, road management, urban planning and development, etc. of 11 developing countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Iraq, Morocco, Sierra Leone, Tunisia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Zambia, etc., participated the forum online ,who are from the Ministerial Workshop on Urban Planning and Construction for Developing Countries Organized by Our University 

(Participants attending conferences online)

Luo Zhisong said in his speech that urban development is an eternal topic. Green city development is conducive to promoting the coordinated development of green investment, green trade and green financial systems, promoting a win-win situation between economic development and environmental protection, and creating a community of interests, a community of responsibilities, and a community of destiny. Shanghai will implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech during the inspection of Shanghai, earnestly implement the important concept of “People’s city is built by the people, and the people’s city is for the people”, focus on the development of green cities, make overall plans for the network layout, and vigorously promote Shanghai’s green, circular, and low-carbon development.

(Speech by Luo Zhisong)

From the perspective of the standardization of urban development projects, Chen Lei put forward three ideas and suggestions. The first is to comprehensively promote standard compatibility, promote integrated development, and strive to achieve mutual compatibility between national standard systems; the second is to comprehensively deepen the sharing of results, promote coordinated development, and further promote the development of urban construction in relevant countries through the construction of standardization demonstration projects and sharing of standard technology results; the third is to strengthen communication and exchanges in an all-round way, focus on common development, strengthen standardized communication with enterprises, institutions and talents in various countries, and promote stable and far-reaching standardized exchanges with countries.

(Speech by Chen Lei)

Pan Haixiao gave a comprehensive introduction to the development trend of urbanization around the Green City Planning. He first conducted an in-depth analysis of hot issues such as motorization, urban expansion, and environmental issues. Then, taking Shanghai's urban planning as an example, he introduced in detail the situation of land use control and shared the planning methods and practical experience of community neighborhood units.

(Pan Haixiao interacting with participants)

With the theme of "Nature, Ecology, City and Space-Exploring Sustainable Green City Development Planning", Wang Lei studied the contradictions and problems in the city, the concept of green city planning, the spatial hierarchy and practical cases of green city planning, and the summary and inspiration of these practices. The development of green cities was elaborated in four aspects. She believes that the construction of a green eco-city still has a long way to go for urban development. Only when the practice of eco-city construction is continuously summarized, and the construction practice is re-directed by scientific theories, can the road to a green eco-city go further and further.

(Speech by Wang Lei)

The theme of Huang Hao's speech was "The Implementation Motivation and Approaches of Green Cities in China". He said that green cities should not only emphasize ecological balance and protection of nature, but also pay attention to human health and cultural development. A green city is a dynamic city with sustainable environmental, economic, and social development. It needs to strengthen the operation and maintenance management through the construction of infrastructure and environmental facilities, improve urban efficiency, and gradually adjust the urban structure to complete urban renewal.

(Speech by Huang Hao)

Ms. Mona Farrag took the status quo of Egyptian urban planning and construction as an example and introduced in detail Egypt’s 2030 urban planning goals and programs, Egypt’s new administrative capital area plans, Egypt’s good life initiatives, implementations of major national infrastructure construction projects, and smart green urban construction progress.

(Summary by He Ying)

Vice President He Ying made a concluding speech on this forum. She pointed out that the guests presented the concepts, cases, and various practices of green development from different perspectives. The core element of a green city is a harmonious city. Chinese culture respects the harmony of man and machine, the harmony of heaven and man, and the harmony of body and mind. Chinese cities are practicing green development in accordance with the requirements of the concept of sustainable development and striving to build successful cases of international sustainable cities. She expressed the hope that through this forum, the planning and cooperation of green city development blueprints between China and participating countries can be further promoted, and the vision of "Better City, Better Life" can be realized.

Written by: Hong Xingzhi

Photographed by: Hong Xingzhi

Reviewed by: Chen Wei