Activity Highlights

Seminar on Infrastructure Planning and Construction for Panama Completed Successfully

creation date:2021-11-08

On the morning of November 8, 2021 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on Infrastructure Planning and Construction for Panama " hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of our university attended the ceremony and delivered a speech.

Main Site of the Online Closing Ceremony

Chen Wei introduced the planning and construction of Shanghai's infrastructure and the related situation of the 4th China International Import Expo. He hopes to use this Seminar as a new starting point, continue to maintain close contact with the participants online, deepen extensive cooperation with Panama, promote high-quality co-construction of the "Belt and Road", strengthen infrastructure connectivity, and jointly explore the new ways and methods for win-win cooperation between Infrastructure Planning and Construction.

Ms. Mary Carmen Rodríguez Xie, General Director of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Panama, delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants that the Seminar has built a platform for cooperation and development, and has also become a link for the continuous warming relationship between China and Panama. She sincerely thanks the Chinese government for this training opportunity, which undoubtedly points out the way for the future development of Panama’s infrastructure. She hopes that the friendship between China and Panama will last forever and looks forward to meeting Chinese friends in Shanghai soon.

Seminar Certificate Display

The Seminar lasted for 14 days and 28 officials from government officials and business executives from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Panama, the Construction Engineering Department of the Ministry of Social Development, and the JGR Construction Company participated in the seminar. In addition to the experts of our university, experts and scholars from Tongji University, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design and Research Institute, and Shanghai Construction Engineering Group Corporation have discussed the topics of China's urban development and urban-rural planning system, green construction technology, urban road planning and construction, etc. The Seminar also arranged general courses such as China's national conditions, knowledge and experience sharing of Covid-19 prevention and control, and Chinese traditional culture cloud experience courses such as Chinese tea art.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photogrophed by: Chen Xiaoye

Reviewed by: Chen Wei