Activity Highlights

Defying the challenges of the epidemic, renewing the friendship between China and the Philippines——Seminar on Capacity Building for Judicial and Law Enforcement Officials of the Philippines Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-05-06

On the afternoon of May 5, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on Capacity Building for Judicial and Law Enforcement Officials of the Philippines" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Liu Beimin, investigator of the Foreign Economics and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Chen Wei, executive vice dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School attended the closing ceremony and delivered speeches.

Online closing ceremony

This 14-day seminar involved 20 participants from Philippine National Police, Bureau of Corrections, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. During the seminar, a number of lectures, symposiums, cultural experiences and other activities were organized to comprehensively introduce the achievements and experiences in the development of China's judicial law enforcement, deepen the participants' knowledge and understanding of China, so as to enhance the exchange and cooperation in this field.

Speech by Chen Wei

Chen Wei mentioned in his speech, China and the Philippines are both developing countries, the development is the common task facing the two countries, and mutually beneficial cooperation is the common aspiration of the two peoples. As the founding members of the BFA, China and the Philippines have always been important participants, promoters, and builders of the development of regional relations in Asia, and the upgraded China-ASEAN relationship will further contribute to the steady and long-term development of China-Philippines relations. He hoped that all participants could take this seminar as a new starting point to continuously promote the sustainable economic and social development of China and the Philippines in the context of global economic integration.

In the speech, Liu Beimin mentioned that the construction, reform, and development of the judicial and law enforcement system are related to the fairness and justice of the country's social governance, security, and stability. This seminar is not only an exploration between China and the Philippines in promoting the development of judicial law enforcement and strengthening international cooperation in various fields but also a vivid practice of China's implementation of the development concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. She believed that as the exchanges and cooperation between China and the Philippines in this field continue to deepen, the two countries will jointly make positive contributions to judicial enforcement cooperation and development in the Asia-Pacific region and even globally, to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Speech by participant representative

Nerino Daciego, Colonel of the Philippine National Police (PNP), delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants. He mentioned that the seminar was fruitful, and through the 14-day training, the participants not only gained professional knowledge and improved their business ability, but also deepened their knowledge of Chinese culture and development achievements in China. He expressed his most sincere gratitude to SBS for its contribution to the enhancement of friendship between China and the Philippines. In addition, the participants of the seminar also expressed their gratitude by recording short videos.

Group photo online

In the context of the normalization of the global epidemic, the first online seminar of the year was held at a special time when Shanghai was under a lockdown situation, but the seminar overcame all difficulties and was successfully completed. The completion of the seminar is not an end, but a new starting point for China and the Philippines to work together towards the future and seek common development. Both sides will take the seminar as an opportunity to further strengthen the "four-wheel-drive" of political mutual trust, practical cooperation, humanistic exchanges, and multilateral cooperation, and make greater contributions to the friendship and welfare of the two peoples.

Written by: Hong Xingzhi

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei