Activity Highlights

Our University Hosts Opening Ceremony of Seminar on the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises for Portuguese Speaking Countries

creation date:2022-09-09

On the evening of September 8, 2022 (GMT+8), the opening ceremony for Seminar on the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises for Portuguese Speaking Countries, hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Xu Yuansheng, Counselor of Chinese Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro, Fang Meng, from Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Liu Bin, Director of International Exchange Office of Shanghai Business School, and the expert representative, Zhang Peng, Director of Yangtze River Delta Talent Training and Exchange Guidance Service Center, attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Online opening ceremony

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China and the Portuguese-speaking peoples have always stood by each other, and multilateral relations have continued to sublimate in adversity. China and the Portuguese-speaking countries have helped each other to overcome difficulties and seek development. The solidarity has enriched the connotation of the concept of Community of Human Destiny. In the case that the epidemic has not yet completely dissipated in China, the success of this seminar is a positive initiative to practice the concept of the community of human destiny and a vivid manifestation of China and Portuguese-speaking countries overcoming difficulties together, carrying out mutually beneficial cooperation and seeking common development.

Xu Yuansheng said that the cooperation has been continuously deepened. The Chinese government has provided high-quality teaching resources, and cooperated with local competent cooperative institutions to carry out centralized offline teaching, which has improved significantly the teaching effect of the seminar. The innovative approach of government-led, business association-operated, and key enterprise participation has effectively promoted the development of SMEs in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Speech by Xu Yuansheng

Fang Meng said that China has become an important trading partner of Portuguese-speaking countries and the fastest growing major export market.The friendship and cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries are increasingly expanding and deepening. It is hoped that this seminar will bring useful inspiration and support the development of SMEs in Portuguese-speaking countries.

Speech by Fang Meng

Liu Bin said that this seminar will focus on sharing knowledge, ideas, experiences and practices in the field of SME management in China, especially Shanghai. While the seminar is an opportunity to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries the field of SME management in China, it will promote the joint development of all countries. 

Speech by Liu Bin

Speaking as an expert representative, Zhang Peng expressed his hope to share China's development experience with the participants and witness the achievements of China's opening up and reform, as well as to let them experience China's human environment, deepen the knowledge and understanding between countries, and promote multilateral cooperation.

Speech by expert representative

The participant representatives, Nal Fernando from the SME Promotion Agency of Mozambique and Luiz Carlos Patricio, Legal Director from Barreau Savasi, Brazil, said that they would make full use of this opportunity, actively participate in and share their countries' experience in SME and economic development, and apply what they have learned in the construction of their home countries.

 Speech by participant representatives

Speech by participant representatives

Group photo online

The seminar will last 21 days, and a total of 65 government officials from Brazil and Mozambique's SME management and related departments will participate in.

Written by: Liang Bo

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei