Activity Highlights

The presidents visited the front-line staff of Foreign Aid Training Base

creation date:2022-09-15

On the evening of September 14, Tang Haiyan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the university, and He Ying, Vice President of the university, visited the front-line staff at the training site of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) .

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President Tang first expressed his warm concern to the staff, he said, "When everyone is resting, you still stick to the front line of the aid work, regardless of morning and night, day and night, cold and heat, you have worked hard!" He said that as an important carrier for the university to serve society, the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) has been actively implementing the national diplomatic strategy and contributing to the cause of international human resources development and cooperation.In the face of the epidemic, the staff of the training base were able to quickly change their thinking, actively innovate the training model, continuously deepen the connotation, and the work was highly affirmed by the Ministry of Commerce, setting an example for the national foreign aid training work. President Tang also expressed his encouragement and expectation to the training base. The university has always attached importance to the development of foreign aid training, and will give more support in terms of running mechanisms and conditions. He also hoped that the training base will give full play to the role of the foreign aid training platform, live up to the university's entrustment, continue to amplify the spillover effect of foreign aid training, and inject stronger development momentum for the internationalization of the university.

In 2022, against the background of the reduction of nearly half of the national foreign aid training program, the Training Base gave full play to its resource advantages and actively promoted the implementation of training programs, with the annual number of programs ranking among the top in China, achieving a stage leap in the history of the Base. Facing the situation of tight schedule and heavy workload, all staff of the foreign aid training base will continue to do their best to make new contributions to China's international development cooperation.

Written by: Shi Xiaomei

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei