Activity Highlights

Our University Hosts Opening Ceremony of Seminar on Management of Investment Zones and Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries

creation date:2022-10-14

On the evening of October 12, 2022 (GMT+8), the opening ceremony for Seminar on Management of Investment Zones and Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries, hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Chen Qingfen from the Foreign Economics and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.  

Online opening ceremony

Online opening ceremony

Chen Qingfen expressed her hope that the two seminars will not only provide participants with opportunities for mutual learning and exchange, but also build bridges of friendship for the participating countries, and make joint efforts to strengthen multi-disciplinary exchanges and deepen practical cooperation between China and other developing countries, promote common development between countries in the fields of investment zone management, production capacity and international supply chain cooperation, and help the friendly relations between countries to reach a new level. 

Speech by Chen Qingfen

Chen Wei said that the two seminars are guided by the promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind, aim to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and the participating countries in the fields of investment zone management, production capacity and international supply chain, to open a new window of opportunity for China and the participating countries to complement each other's advantages and common development, and to provide new development opportunities to enhance the well-being of people in each country.

Speech by Chen Wei

Che Chunli, Associate Professor of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, said that China has accumulated a lot of experience in the management of investment zones. Through the exchange of learning in this seminar, the participants can learn about the way of Chinese investment zone management from various aspects and gain knowledge and experience. Professor Lin Guolong of Shanghai Maritime University, an expert representative of seminar on International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries, said that the global industrial chain and supply chain have undergone profound adjustments, and the trend of regional economic integration is accelerating. The seminar provides a number of lectures, it is hoped that the participants can gain something from the interactive exchanges in this seminar. 

Speech by Che Chunli

Speech by Lin Guolong

Nicolizela Shivokian, a UN mechanical engineer from Rwanda, representing the participants of the seminar on Investment Zones and Capacity, expressed his hope to meet people from different backgrounds, learn about different cultures, learn from each other and seek development opportunities together, and expressed his honor and gratitude to the organizers. Moeun Ratanak, Director of Trade Planning Department, Department of Planning, Statistics and Trade Information, Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia, representing the participants of the seminar on International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries, said that in the current context, it is very visionary for the Chinese government can discuss production capacity and international supply chain cooperation. Supply chain cooperation training is very visionary, hoping to gain as much valuable knowledge and experience as possible. 

Speech by participant representative

 Speech by participant representative

Group photo online

 Group photo online

The two seminars both last 10 days and a total of 45 government officials from 14 countries, including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Venezuela, participated in the seminar on Investment Zones and Capacity. 60 officials from 15 countries, including Turkey, Zambia, Lesotho, Kiribati, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Nepal, Venezuela, Nigeria, Cambodia, Kenya and Sierra Leone, participated in the seminar on International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries.


Written by: Zhaoziyuan, Wei Kunmin

Photos by: Hong Xingzhi

Reviewed by: Chen Wei