Activity Highlights

Seminar on Management of Investment Zones and Seminar on Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-10-22

On the evening of September 22, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremonies for "Seminar on Management of Investment Zones" and "Seminar on Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries " hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) were held online. Chen Wei, executive vice dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School attended the ceremonies and delivered speeches. Zhang Juan, associate researcher from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, and Zhao Gang, professor from Shanghai Maritime University also made remarks on behalf of the experts. 

Online closing ceremoniesOnline closing ceremonies

With the in-depth development of world multi-polarization, economic globalization, social informatization, and cultural diversification, the change of global governance system and international order is accelerated, emerging market countries and developing countries are rapidly rising, the contrast of international power is more balanced, and the destinies of all peoples in the world are closely linked. Through holding two seminars, our university shared China's successful experience in investment zone management, production capacity and supply chain cooperation, providing references for the participating countries, and improving their independent development capability and cooperative development level of them.

Speech by Chen Wei

Focusing on the theme of investment zone management, the Seminar on Management of Investment Zones invited experts and scholars from many units, including Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, East China University of Political Science and Law, Donghua University, Xiyuan Hospital of Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Shanghai Free Trade Zone United Development Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Medbridge Medical Technology Group Co., Ltd., etc. They exchanged and discussed with the participants on topics such as the strategic planning and operation management of industrial parks, processing trade and China's industrial development parks, China's industrial parks and reform and opening up, and the innovation and reform of China's foreign investment law. The Seminar on Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries invited experts and scholars from Shanghai Maritime University, Donghua University, College of Business Administration of SBS and other units to discuss topics and share their research results such as supply chain management and China’s development strategy, modern port logistics and supply chain, smart supply chain operation and planning, building a new supply chain model to improve the level of international capacity cooperation, international capacity cooperation and supply chain management. 

Speeches by Zhang JuanSpeeches by Zhao Gang

The 2 seminars were unanimously approved by the participants. Mr. Wael Lisk, a senior researcher from the Egyptian General Authority for Investment and Free Zones, said, "The seminar broadened our horizons and made us understand the importance of investment zone management and rational planning for the development of industrial parks." Mr. Abdullah Masood, Deputy Director of Monetary Policy from the Central Bank of Afghanistan, said, "I believe that using the seminar as a platform to exchange and discuss with participants from different countries will enable us to better unite together and the international community will benefit as a result." Ms. Christine Musole, from the Zambia Youth Support Foundation, who attended the Seminar on Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries, said, "Before we attended this seminar, we knew very little about the supply chain in the 'Belt and Road' countries, but today we are proud to say that we have a better understanding of not only the supply chain, but also how China can help the development of Africa and other countries. We learned how China is integrating its responsibilities in building the Belt and Road initiative through unity, integration and cooperation." 

Speech by participant representativeSpeech by participant representative

Group photo onlineGroup photo online

Both seminars lasted 10 days and 45 participants from 14 countries, including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Kenya, Lesotho, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, Uzbekistan and Venezuela attended the Seminar on Management of Investment Zones. 60 participants from 15 countries, including Cambodia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Nepal, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Venezuela and Zambia attended the Seminar on Capacity and International Supply Chain Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries.


Written by: Wei Kunmin, Sun Ya

Photos by: Shi Xiaomei

Reviewed by: Chen Wei