Activity Highlights

Smart Green Leads the Transformation and Development of Port and Shipping Industry--Seminar on Digital Development of Asia-Pacific Ports and Shipping in the Post-pandemic Period Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-10-28

On the evening of October 27, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on Digital Development of Asia-Pacific Ports and Shipping in the Post-pandemic Period" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Chen Wei, executive vice dean of International Education College and expert representative Xu Mingqiang, senior engineer of China Communications Center, attended the closing ceremony and delivered speeches. 

Online closing ceremony

At present, traditional globalization is adjusted and retracted, and digital globalization is accelerating. Ports should grasp the new trend of digital globalization, seek transformation, make full use of the empowerment of digital technology, accelerate transformation and development, and strive to promote the intelligent development of infrastructure, logistics supply chain, and port operation models, and improve service quality and value. In recent years, with the continuous development of the digital economy, building an international leading smart port and green port, and promoting the digital transformation of ports and shipping have gradually become the development direction of ports and shipping. The seminar shared Chinas successful experience in the digital development of port and shipping in recent years, and shared a new chapter of cooperation with developing countries on "high-quality development of port and shipping in the post-epidemic era". 

Group photo online

Focusing on the theme, experts and scholars from Shanghai Transport Telecommunication and Information Center, Shanghai Maritime University and Donghua University were invited to discuss China's specific initiatives in port and maritime digital development and combine them with actual cases to give participants a more comprehensive understanding of China's exploration and practice from macro to micro.

The seminar was approved by all participants and they expressed that the seminar was scientifically designed and reasonable, and they benefited a lot from it. At the closing ceremony, Mr. MOHAMMAD MUSTAFA MUSAWER, an industrial and oilseed crop specialist from the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock, Afghanistan, delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants, expressing his deep respect and gratitude to the organizers, experts and others of the seminar. He believes that through the seminar, he has learned that the real realization of green and intelligent shipping requires continuous technological innovation and application practice. The construction of a new generation of shipping system will create a future shipping operation model, and it is crucial to innovate the shipping industry's business philosophy, technical standard system and organizational model. 

Speech by the participant representative

The seminar lasted for 3 days and 22 participants from Mauritius Port Authority, Ethiopian Ministry of Urban and Infrastructure, Sri Lanka Port Authority, Uruguay Montevideo Municipal Ministry, Afghanistan Agricultural Irrigation and Animal Husbandry and Tunisian Equipment Ministry attended.

Written by: Liu Liu

Photos by: Ni Haoran

Reviewed by: Chen Wei