Activity Highlights

Seminar on Media Talents for Angola Starts Successfully

creation date:2022-12-13

On the evening of December 8, 2022 (GMT+8), the opening ceremony for Seminar on media talents for Angola, hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Liu Beimin, Researcher of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Online opening ceremony

Angola is an important strategic partner of China. Since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship, China-Angola bilateral relations have been developing deeply, political mutual trust has been increasingly consolidated and mutually beneficial cooperation has been fruitful. The purpose of this seminar is to promote the exchange and cooperation in media talents training, to open a new window of opportunity for China and Angola to achieve complementary advantages and common development, and to provide new development opportunities to enhance the well-being of the people in both countries.

Speech by Liu Beimin

Liu Beimin said that the online training course is a vivid manifestation of the mutually beneficial cooperation and common development between China and Angola in the context of the global epidemic.Shanghai, the host city, is the economic center of China and the window of opening up to the outside world. It is also a modern international metropolis with the character of "inclusiveness, excellence, openness, wisdom, generosity and modesty", and has rich practical experience and innovative cases in this field. She sincerely hopes that this seminar will not only provide opportunities for the participating officials to learn and exchange with each other, but also build bridges to enhance friendship and make joint efforts to strengthen multi-faceted exchanges and deepen practical cooperation between China and Angola.

Speech by Chen Wei

Chen Wei said that China values the friendship and cooperation with Angola and is willing to work closely and support each other with Angola to enhance the level of mutual exchanges and cooperation in many fields. It is hoped that the participating officials will use the seminar as a platform to share advanced experience accumulated, discuss bottlenecks and problems encountered in their respective fields, and jointly cope with new environments and new challenges.

Speech by participant representative

As the participant representative, Mr. Alfonso Nzuane, host of Angola’s National TelevisionTPA, said that he hopes to learn about the development of China’s new media industry and China’s advanced experience in media talent training. He looks forward to cultivating friendships and establishing contacts during the seminar, so as to contribute to the development of the media industry in Angola.

Group photo online

The seminar will last 14 days, and a total of 77 officials from the Angolan TV stations, newspapers and other related departments will participate.

Written by: Wei Kunmin

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei