Activity Highlights

Seminar on Infrastructure Planning and Project Management for Samoa Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-12-12

On the morning of December 23, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for “Seminar on Infrastructure Planning and Project Management for Samoa” hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College and Li JinExpert representative, professor senior engineer of Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute attended the closing ceremony and delivered speeches.

Closing ceremony

Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Samoa in 1975, the relationship based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, has endured the test of international changes and has always maintained a positive and good momentum of development. Over the past 47 years, the two countries have achieved fruitful practical cooperation in various fields. China and Samoa are both developing countries. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, two countries have been cooperated to fight the epidemic and carried out extensive cooperation in information sharing, experience exchanging, financial supporting and medical assistance.

Speech by Chen Wei

Chen Wei said that the seminar is an exchange and exploration of cooperation between China and Samoa in infrastructure planning and project management. It is also a vivid case of promoting international development and cooperation and practicing the developing concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. It is believed that with the deepening cooperation between China and Samoa in the field of infrastructureit will make a more positive contribution to the common development of infrastructure in both countries and ultimately achieve mutual benefit and win-win situation.

Speech by Li Jin

Li Jin said that the basic knowledge, principles of action, and operating rules of infrastructure are the same. As long as the internal relationship of infrastructure needs is mastered, targeted solutions and programs can be proposed according to the characteristics of each country. This seminar is coming to the end, but the world is always developing. In the future, China and Samoa can rely on the seminar platform to exchange and discuss infrastructure planning, construction and development, they can learn from each other and develop together.

Speech by participant representative

The participant representative, Ms. Ileone Galuwo from the Ministry of Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure of Samoa, said that this topic is very intergenerational and it is rare to learn from the wisdom and experience of many outstanding experts and scholars.The seminar provided warm and considerate services, and was scientifically and reasonably designed. Through the training, they have increased their knowledge, enlightened their thinking, and benefited a lot. 

Online group photo

The seminar lasted for 21 days and 26 participants from the Ministry of Road Operations department and the Transport Authority of Samoa attended the activity.

Written by: Ma Yizhou

Photos by: Ni Haoran

Reviewed by: Chen Wei