Activity Highlights

Seminar on Blue Economy for Zanzibar Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-12-30

In the afternoon of December 30, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on Blue Economy for Zanzibar", hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), was held online. He Dongyang, Consul of the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Zanzibar, Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College, and Liao Zefang, Professor of the Research Center for the Development Strategy of Marine Industry of Shanghai Ocean University, attended the closing ceremony and delivered speeches.

Main venue of the closing ceremony

The blue economy is sustainable, and developing the blue economy has gradually become an international consensus. The development of the blue economy in China not only echoes the global trend, but also has distinctive Chinese characteristics. This seminar is a successful exchange and exploration between China and Zanzibar in strengthening international cooperation in the blue economy, and also a vivid case of China promoting international development cooperation and practicing the development concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind.  

Chen Wei said that the seminar was held at the right time. It focused on the theme of "the blue economy", which is in line with the desire of the two countries to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation and achieve common development in maritime trade and other fields. Although the seminar has ended, the exchanges and cooperations between China and Zanzibar in the blue economy will get broader and deeper, and the bilateral friendship will definitely continue to flourish. He hoped that the participants could contribute to the continuous development of the friendship and cooperation between the two countries, and become messengers to deliver friendship and promote cooperation.

Speech by Chen Wei

Liao Zefang, an expert representative, said that the 21st century is the century of the ocean, and that she was honored to learn and discuss with the participants the frontier issues of global ocean governance. She looked forward to the participants visiting China for learning and exchanges, to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results for the people of China and Zanzibar. 

Speech by Liao Zefang

AMNE ALI SAID, a representative from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries of Zanzibar, said that the seminar opened a new window for the cooperation, complementary efforts and partnership between China and Zanzibar in the blue economy. During the seminar, each participant gained a better understanding of China as a friendly country. The seminar helped to strengthen bilateral trade and cultural ties in order to discover new business opportunities and to strengthen existing business relations between the two countries.

Speech by participant representative

The 12-day seminar was attended by 20 government officials from the Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries of Zanzibar. Up to now, all our 42 online seminars have been successfully completed, covering 1,572 participantfrom 69 countries and regions, and delivered in a total of four languages, namely English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese. Such a training scale set a record high.

Group photo

Written by: Zhao Zixuan

Photos by: Ma Yizhou

Reviewed by: Chen Wei