Activity Highlights

Share Logistics Development Experience, and Open a Chapter of Win-Win Cooperation --the Seminar on Logistics Development and Management for Developing Countries Came to an End

creation date:2023-05-24

On the afternoon of May 23rd, a closing ceremony was held for the seminar on logistics development and management for developing countries hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) in Shanghai Business School. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School, and Vice Director of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), and Prof. Wang Xuefeng, Expert Representative from Shanghai Maritime University attended the ceremony.

The seminar has received positive feedback from participants. At the ceremony, the Participant Representative, Mr. ESQUIVEL, the industrial engineer from Ministerio De Educacion Publica in Costa Rica, expressed that they have learned a lot, including the professional knowledge, the experience of China's national conditions, reform and opening up and economic development, as well as the Chinese leaders' managing concept and the "the belt and road initiative", and all of these will enhance the understanding of each country, help the participating members deepen the friendship through mutual learning and exchanges, and create a platform for international exchanges and cooperation among developing countries. 

The Participant Representative is giving a speech

As the largest developing country in the world, China has always adhered to the concept of peaceful development and mutual benefit, upholding to the principle of "teaching people to fish" and cultivating various talents for developing countries. By sharing Chinese experience, Chinese wisdom, and Chinese solutions, China helps developing countries enhance their independent development capabilities, and promote common development and prosperity. Mr. Chen said: "Completion of this seminar does not mean the end, but a new start for China and participating developing countries to work together towards the future and seek better development". He hoped that all the participants could bring back what they saw, heard and thought in China to their own countries. They can serve their motherlands and people, while standing as witnesses, builders, and contributors to mutual friendship and practical cooperation.

The Executive Vice Dean Chen Wei is giving a speech at the closing ceremony

A total of 37 participants from 12 countries participated in the seminar including Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ghana, Mauritius, Nepal, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Sri Lanka, Trinidad and Tobago and Uzbekistan. Many special lectures and discussion meetings were arranged under the theme of logistics development and management. All the participants also go to Ganzhou City and Ruijin City of Jiangxi Province for investigation and exchange.

The group photo




Written by: Liu Liu

Photos by: Xue Xue

Reviewed by: Chen Wei