Activity Highlights

The Seminar on International Logistics and Multimodal Transport has been Successfully Launched

creation date:2023-06-02

On the morning of June 1, 2023, Beijing time, the opening ceremony of the seminar on international logistics and multimodal transport, hosted byMinistry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), was successfully held. Liu Beimin and Fang Meng, researchers of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Department of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Dai Ying, the vice dean of the International Education College of SBS attended the ceremony. 

The site of opening ceremony

International logistics is an important support for international trade. Through efficient cargo transportation, warehousing and supply chain management, global goods flow and delivery can be achieved. Multimodal transport provides flexible and reliable cargo transport solutions by integrating different modes of transport (such as sea, rail, road and air) and promotes the convenience and efficiency of international trade. The combination of these two plays a crucial role on the international stage and promotes the interconnection and sustainable development of the global economy. As one of developing countries, China has always attached great importance to global development cooperation. This seminar is a vivid practice for China and other developing countries to communicate, learn from each other, share experiences and improve together in the field of logistics. 

Liu Yumin is speaking

Liu Beimin said that today's global economic globalization is an irresistible development trend. The economic and social development of countries is interrelated and affects mutually. To enhance connectivity and increase trade, it is inseparable from the basic support of modern logistics. Shanghai, the venue of the seminar, is an international shipping center under construction in China, and the development of logistics industry, especially shipping service industry, is in a leading position in China. In terms of international logistics management and multimodal transport, Shanghai has advanced equipment and technology, and has accumulated rich practical experience. It is hoped that the practical experience of international logistics and multimodal transport shared in the seminar will inspire and help the participants and pormote the friendly relations between countries to a new level. 

Dai Ying is speaking

Dai Ying expressed that China has always been committed to promoting cooperation with developing countries in the field of international logistics. China actively participates in the co-construction of the "the belt and road initiative", and provides important support for the trade and economic development of developing countries by building infrastructure and improving logistics services. Infrastructure projects jointly built by China and other developing countries provide efficient and stable international logistics channels and promote the economic and trade development of countries. China attaches great importance to friendship and cooperation with developing countries, and will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and win-win, unswervingly develop friendly cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and promote the international community to make joint efforts to build a new type of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperation. 

The official representative is speaking

Mr. Sodik Joan Nurari Konzoda, the official representative and chief expert of the Land Traffic Management Department of the Ministry of Transport of Tajikistan, expressed his great honor to attend this seminar. The economic development of a country cannot be separated from the development of logistics. This seminar is believed to bring valuable experience to participants in the field of logistics, and make logistics become the main driving force for further economic growth of various countries. 

The group photo of participants of the seminar

The 21-day seminar is attended by 34 officials from Azerbaijan, Djibouti, Ghana, Laos, Lesotho, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Officials will be arranged to visit Nanning and Qinzhou cities in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for inspection.


Written by: Ma Yizhou

Photos by: Ni Haoran

Reviewed by: Chen Wei