Activity Highlights

The Seminar on Law-Based International Business Environment for Developing Countries has been Successfully Launched

creation date:2023-06-09

On the afternoon of June 6, 2023, Beijing time, the online opening ceremony of the seminar on law-based international business environment for developing countries , hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) of Shanghai Business School was held. Chen Wei, the executive vice dean of the International Education College of SBS, and deputy director of the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), and Professor Xu Ming of Donghua University attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

 The picture of the main venue

The Chinese government attaches great importance to the construction of the business environment as an important measure to boost confidence in the development and promote the sound development of economic operation order. In recent years, China's business environment has continued to improve, from high-speed development to high-quality development, from opening the market to streamlining the government, delegating power, and improving government services, from building law-based China to comprehensively optimizing the business environment. China in the new era has attracted worldwide attention. China has always emphasized that "it is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish", and trains all kinds of talents for developing countries by sharing China's development experience, development programs, development wisdom, and imparting advanced experience. 

Mr. Chen Wei is speaking

Chen Wei said that the seminar is set as a learning and exchange platform to train more high-quality and professional talents in business environment construction for participating countries through various activities including thematic lectures and special discussions, so as to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment with the goal of legalization and internationalization development. The seminar will further promote the exchanges and cooperation between China and participating countries in the field of business environment construction, opening a new set of opportunities for complementary advantages and open development between China and developing countries, as well as the well-being of people. 

The expert representative is speaking

Xu Ming, the expert representative, said that the seminar is committed to sharing China's development experience. He hoped to interact with officials from developing countries in class and share the latest information on China's development. He also expected that the seminar can deepen the reflection on issues in related fields and promote deeper cooperation between China and the world. 

Student representatives are speaking

Student representatives are speaking

Elizabeth kalejaiye, the official representative from the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission of Nigeria, said that the seminar will not only enable participants to understand China's practices and experience, but also help developing countries to better understand Chinese culture, and provide a platform for better development of relations between countries. She hoped to recommend more potential participants to attend the seminar. Another representative of the seminar, Ms. Hareet Neema, an assistant at Moi University in Kenya, said that business is the bedrock of many countries. As the world is constantly developing, global synergy is needed. She thanked the organizers for their efforts in holding the seminar and believed that the seminar could bring valuable experience to participants in the field of business environment. 

The online group photo of the opening ceremony

The 14-day seminar is attended by 51 participants from 19 countries including Nepal, Albania, Ecuador, the Philippines, Cambodia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Panama, Kenya, Mongolia, Zambia, Colombia, Rwanda, Malawi, Sierra Leone and Uzbekistan.

Written by: Zhao Zixuan

Photos by: Xue Xue

Reviewed by: Chen Wei