Activity Highlights

Boost Innovative Cooperation between China and Latin America and Jointly Construct a China-Latin America and the Caribbean Community of Shared Destinies – Smooth Opening for the Seminar on Science and Technology Innovation for Latin American Countries

creation date:2023-07-03

On the morning of June 29, 2023, the opening ceremony for the Seminar on Science and Technology Innovation for Latin American Countries hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held smoothly. Mr. Chen Jianfeng (Vice President of Shanghai Business School), Ms. Liu Beimin (a researcher fellow from Foreign Economic and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce), and Mr. Chen Wei (Executive Vice Dean of International Education College of SBS, and Vice Director of the Training Base) attended the opening ceremony.

The Opening Ceremony

In recent years, China and Latin American countries have deepened the cooperation in science and technology innovation. Through cooperation, the two sides have jointly cultivated S&T talents, shared knowledge and technology, and strengthened the exchange of talents, thus promoting the improvement of S&T innovation capabilities of both sides. Besides, the cooperation in S&T innovation between China and Latin America brings more opportunities and innovative power to the economic development and sustainable development of both sides. This Seminar is a vivid practice for China and Latin American countries to exchange with each other in the field of S&T innovation, learn from each other, complement each other’s strengths and realize common progresses. 

Speech by Ms. Liu Beimin

Ms. Liu Beimin said that Latin American countries are an important part of developing countries as well as active participants and contributors to global governance, and have played an important role in maintaining regional peace, promoting common development and advancing regional integration. For a long time, there have been frequent high-level exchanges between China and Latin America, and head-of-state diplomacy has played a strategic leading role in the development of relations between the two sides. At present, the new-round S&T revolution and industrial change is progressing at accelerated speeds, and the world is entering the era of great science and great integration. This Seminar is a good opportunity for China and Latin American countries to cooperate in the field of S&T innovation. By exchanging and sharing the practices and experiences in S&T innovation, both parties can better understand each other’s advantages and challenges.

Speech by Mr. Chen Jianfeng

Mr. Chen Jianfeng indicated that Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that China attaches great importance to the development of relations with Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and regards it as an important partner in consolidating the unity of developing countries and promoting South-South cooperation. China is willing to work with the Latin American side to continuously strengthen the building of China-CELAC Forum and advance the relations into a new era of equality, mutual benefit, innovation, openness and benefaction to people. He stressed that the Seminar aims to exchange and share China’s experience and success stories in S&T innovation, and expected to learn the concepts, special practices and experiences of Latin American countries in this aspect, and jointly explore cooperation opportunities to promote the integration and development of S&T innovation in China and Latin America. 

Speech by the Participant Representative

Ms. Danmarys Hernández, the representative of the participants and Viceministerio para la Comunalización de la Ciencia para la Producción, expressed her sincere gratitude for the invitation of the Chinese government and the organization of Shanghai Business School, and also expressed her appreciation for the efforts made by China for the cooperation in S&T innovation between China and Latin America. In her speech, she outlined the current situation of S&T innovation in Latin American countries and emphasized the importance of S&T innovation for social development and regional cooperation. She wanted to use this Seminar as a platform to exchange ideas with China and discuss together with a global perspective. 

Group Photo of the Seminar

The 21-day Seminar included 31 officials from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela, and will arrange visits to Shenzhen City and Guangzhou City in Guangdong Province.



Written by: Ma Yizhou

Photos: Ni Haoran

Reviewed by: Chen Wei