Activity Highlights

SBS Leaders Met with the Vice Minister of Science and Technology of Venezuela

creation date:2023-06-30

On the morning of June 29, Vice President Chen Jianfeng met with Ms. Danmarys Hernández, Viceministerio para la Comunalización de la Ciencia para la Producción and Mr. Hausilius, Assistant Minister of Science and Technology of Venezuela. Ms. Liu Beimin, Fellow Researcher from Foreign Economics and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Mr. Chen Wei, Vice Executive Dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School and Deputy Director of the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), also attended the meeting. 

the Meeting Site

Mr. Chen Jianfeng warmly welcomed the Vice Minister and her delegation, and said that China and Venezuela share common development goals and similar development histories in the field of science and technology, which provides broad opportunities for cooperation between the two sides. In addition to cooperation in high-tech, SBS is also willing to cooperate with colleges and universities in Venezuela to promote educational and academic exchanges and further strengthen the friendship between the two peoples.

Ms. Danmarys introduced the current situation of the scientific innovation industry in Venezuela and mentioned in particular the “Seed Program”, a plan aimed at encouraging young people to start their own businesses. She expressed her hope to work with many outstanding Chinese enterprises and research institutes to promote S&T innovation and actively cope with the opportunities and challenges in the new international context.

Ms. Liu Beimin pointed out that Shanghai has always attached great importance to S&T innovation and international exchange and cooperation, and will continue to increase its support for S&T enterprises and innovation projects in the future to provide better platforms and opportunities for enterprises to go global and further enhance their influence and competitiveness in the Latin American region and even on the international stage.

Ms. Danmarys, who was formerly the Executive Director of Directora Ejecutiva

Unidad Territorial del Ministerio del Poder Popular para Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología en el estado Bolivariano de Mérida, came to China to participate in a Seminar on Science and Technology Innovation for Latin American Countries undertaken by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) of SBS.


Written by: Guan Rui

Photos by: Ni Haoran

Reviewed by: Chen Wei