Activity Highlights

Chen Runyun, Deputy Director of the Training Center of the Ministry of Commerce, Surveying Our Preparations for Online Foreign-aid Training

creation date:2021-04-10

On April 9, the College of International Education welcomed the delegation of Chen Runyun, Deputy Director of Training Center of the Ministry of Commerce; Ha Yu, Director of Foreign-aid Training Management Office I; and Liu Beimin, Deputy Director of Foreign Economic Cooperation Department of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce. They surveyed our preparations for online foreign-aid training and our construction of online foreign-aid training smart classrooms and platforms, and engaged in a symposium with our leaders. The symposium was chaired by Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of College of International Education and Deputy Director of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) (hereinafter referred to as “Shanghai Training Base”).

The delegation were also toured around the online foreign-aid training smart classrooms of Shanghai Training Base, and shown the operations of online training platforms and related equipment. During the tour, Classin, an online training platform independently developed by China and adopted by Shanghai Training Base, aroused the strong interest of the delegation. Deputy Director Chen Runyun inquired in details about the overseas popularization rate, operating mode, networking status, and information security of the platform, and experienced in person the simulation of online foreign-aid training scenarios.

(Delegation led by Chen Runyun touring around our online foreign-aid training smart classrooms)

At the symposium, Zhou Dejiang, Director of the Project Department of Shanghai Training Base, reported the online training preparations of the Foreign-aid Training Base in terms of online program promotion, training platform construction, training content design, organizational guarantee, and emergency response plans, talked about the difficulties encountered at work, and offered some advice. Professionals from Internet Department of Shanghai Branch of China Telecom also introduced in details the construction of “Learning in Progress”, an online trainee management platform customized by Shanghai Training Base for online foreign-aid training.

(Chen Runyun experiencing the simulation of online foreign-aid training scenarios)

After listening to related reports and work proposals, Chen Runyun gave some real-time feedback, fully affirmed the training work of the Foreign-aid Training Base, praised us for our active explorations and demonstrative effect, and raised specific requirements for the high-quality development of online foreign-aid training. He stressed that advanced technologies and equipment constituted the basis for conducting online foreign-aid training and realizing foreign-aid training goals. To guarantee the implementation, quality, and effects of online projects, online platforms should be fully utilized to increase program implementation rate, select outstanding training teachers, and design targeted implementation schemes meeting the demands of trainees.

(Scene of the symposium)

Chen Wei made a meeting summary, and stated his position. He emphasized the importance of strengthening online program implementation, intensifying enrollment propaganda, enhancing supply-side construction, and increasing trainee satisfaction, and said that SBS was confident in properly conducting online foreign-aid training and fully bringing into play the features of Shanghai Training Base to display the highlights of training work and create a demonstration effect. At present at the event were Dai Yan, Deputy General Manager of Internet Department of Shanghai Branch of China Telecom; Yang Xiongbin, General Manager of Overseas Business Department of China Railway Shanghai Design Institute Group Co., Ltd., and so forth.

Drafted by: Hong Xingzhi

Photographed by: author unknown

Reviewed by: Chen Wei