Activity Highlights

Seminar on Youth Employment and Development for Belt and Road Countries Successfully Concludes

creation date:2024-08-01

On July 30, the closing ceremony for the Seminar on Youth Employment and Development for Belt and Road Countries, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and hosted by the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) at Shanghai Business School, took place. The event was attended by Ms. Dai Ying, Deputy Director of the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) and Vice Dean of the College of International Education, and Dr. Zhai Wei, Associate Professor at the School of Economic Law of East China University of Political Science and Law, who both delivered speeches.

Scene of the Closing Ceremony

As 2024 marks the 11th anniversary of the “Belt and Road” Initiative, the deepening exchanges and cooperation among “Belt and Road” countries in education, culture, and technology have not only spurred economic growth but also provided youth with ample employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, enabling them to actively participate in the construction of the Belt and Road. By the end of 2023, the initiative had created 420,000 jobs in participating countries and regions, offering greater space for cross-national cooperation among young people and significantly contributing to global economic recovery.

Speech by Dai Ying

Ms. Dai Ying highlighted that youth are the most creative and dynamic force, forming the backbone of the “Belt and Road” Initiative. Over more than a decade of practice, the “Belt and Road” Youth Community has developed a “Knowledge- Action-Innovation” model, integrating education and research, diversifying practical actions, and pioneering innovation, advancing in tandem with nations, societies, and the world. Through education, the “Belt and Road” tightly connects young people from different countries, fostering deeper exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, and technology.

Speech by Zhai Wei

Dr. Zhai Wei expressed his joy at meeting and getting to know each participant, praising them as outstanding young representatives from “Belt and Road” countries and as leaders and implementers of their countries’ robust development. He believes that the participants will gain a more comprehensive understanding of China’s development model, practical experiences, and cultural heritage, enriching their experience in international exchanges and cooperation. He sincerely hopes that the participants will contribute to mutual friendly exchanges between their own countries and China in their respective professional fields in the future.

Speech by Natasha Lerato Phago

The seminar received positive feedback from the participants. Ms. Natasha Lerato Phago, Secretary to the Director from the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa, remarked that the seminar was an unforgettable experience for everyone. The content-rich lectures broadened the participants’ horizons and deepened their understanding of youth employment and development. Given the rising youth unemployment rates in many countries, the knowledge and experiences gained from this seminar will be of immense value upon their return home.

The 14-day seminar hosted 32 participants from 12 countries, including Armenia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Malaysia, Namibia, Nepal, Romania, Samoa, South Africa, Suriname, Tanzania, and Ghana.


Written by: Li Shuo

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei