Activity Highlights

Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries Successfully Concludes

creation date:2024-08-01

On the afternoon of July 31, the closing ceremony for the Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries, sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce and hosted by the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) at Shanghai Business School, took place. The event was presided over by Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education and Deputy Director of the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai), and attended by Fan Haiying, Associate Professor at Shanghai University of Political Science nd Law, both of whom delivered speeches.

Scene of the Closing Ceremony

Chen Wei highlighted that in recent years, China has actively and steadily promoted criminal justice reform, engaging in cooperation and exchange with the international community in the field of criminal justice. These efforts have led to significant theoretical and practical breakthroughs, enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security among the people. This seminar not only served as a successful platform for exchanging ideas in criminal justice but also vividly showcased the deepening friendly cooperation between China and developing countries.

Speech by Chen Wei

Fan Haiying emphasized that the seminar, through comprehensive classroom instruction and field visits, provided participants with a deep understanding of the history of China’s legal system and the current workings of its public security, prosecution, judiciary, and legal administration. She expressed her heartfelt hope that the knowledge and experience gained from this seminar would enable participants to practice their professions wisely and lead fulfilling lives.

Speech by Fan Haiying

On behalf of all participants, Abbas Al-Meyao Kwarasey, Director of Operations of the Ghana Police Service, expressed sincere gratitude to the seminar organizers for the well-structured course. He stated that he would apply the theoretical and practical knowledge gained from this seminar to the development of criminal justice in his own country. He also expressed the hope for continued deepening of cooperation with China in various fields in the future.

Speech by Abbas Al-Meyao Kwarasey

The 14-day seminar hosted 34 participants from 10 countries, including Armenia, Cambodia, Cameroon, Ghana, Iraq, Mauritius, Mozambique, Myanmar, Togo, and Zimbabwe.

`Written by: Zhao Zixuan

Photos by: Chen Xiaoye

Reviewed by: Chen Wei