Activity Highlights

Seminar on State-Owned Enterprise Executives from Developing Countries Completed Successfully

creation date:2021-07-22

On the evening of July 21, 2021 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for " Seminar for State-Owned Enterprise Executives from Developing Countries" hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of SBS, and Mr. Zhou Dejiang, Director of Project Department of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) attended the ceremony.

(Main Site of the Online Closing Ceremony)

Mr. Chen Wei pointed out that State-owned enterprises are the pillar of China’s socialist construction and national economic development. China’s state-owned enterprises have become the main force in the consultation and China regards other developing countries as important partners. He hoped that state-owned enterprises in developing countries will actively participate in international cooperation, strengthen cooperation through industrial integration, transformation, upgrading, equity investment and other methods, and jointly explore the development paths of state-owned enterprises as well as new channels and methods for deep integration with different ownership economies and mutual benefit and win-win results. Meanwhile, he also hoped that all the fellow participants will actively spread the sincere friendship with Chinese government and Chinese people, and become envoys of friendship to pass on companionship and promote cooperation.

(The speech of Mr. Chen Wei)

On behalf of all participants, Mr. Mohamed Anamur Hook, Deputy Secretary General of Department of Finance from Ministry of Finance of Bangladesh, delivered a speech. He mentioned that from Pandemic COVID-19 to digital divide every topic was plainly explained by the organizers and were discussed with meticulous observation from participants, and examples were used to have better understanding on the ongoing economic recovery. China is demonstrating its reform and opening-up model to the world through more and more international seminars, which will surely open up more cooperation space between China and developing countries.

(The Screenshot of the Participants)

The Seminar lasted for 14 days and there were 106 participants from 13 countries, including Bangladesh, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guyana, Iraq, Jamaica, Kenya, Malawi, Mongolia, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Uganda and Uzbekistan. For this Seminar, our university not only invited experts and scholars from Shanghai State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Fudan University, China Management Science Society and other units to give lectures, but also visited Huadong Construction Group in the form of cloud tours and shared China, especially Shanghai’s experience in the field of state-owned enterprise management, and improved the management level of state-owned enterprises in the participating developing countries.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photogrothed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei