Activity Highlights

Seminar on Capacity Improvement of Benin’s Judicial Personnel Completed Successfully

creation date:2021-07-23

On the evening of July 22, 2021 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for " Seminar on Capacity Improvement of Benin’s Judicial Personnel " hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Ms. Dai Ying, Vice Dean of the College of International Education of SBS, and Mr. Zhou Dejiang, Director of Project Department of MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) attended the ceremony.

(Main Site of the Online Closing Ceremony)

Ms. Dai Ying pointed out that in recent years, the effectiveness of China's judicial reform has gradually emerged, and Shanghai is absolutely the forefront, therefore, the rule of law has become an important symbol of city core competitiveness. Shanghai has been committed to improving the overall level of judicial administration, providing high-quality and efficient public legal services, and building a strong legal security guarantee, so as to better serve the national strategy and urban development. She hoped that the participants can use this seminar as a new starting point to continuously promote the exchanges and cooperation in the judicial field between China and Benin, and jointly explore new ideas and methods for the improvement of judicial personnel in the context of global economic integration. In order to make positive contributions to promoting the sustainable economic and social development of the two countries.

(Speech by Dai Ying)

Mr. Bygnon Cocou Rodrigue Aboua, Director of the Documents and Archives Department of the Supreme Court of Benin spoke highly of this seminar at the ceremony. He believed that under the online training model, all the participants have learnt from each other and have made progress together, and they not only gained professional knowledge from multiple angles, but also got in-depth contact with China’s multiculturalism and got to know this developing country from multiple perspectives. The epidemic has blocked the movement of people all over the world, but it cannot stop the transmission of friendship. As a beneficiary of this seminar, he was able to improve his ability in the judicial field within three weeks, which made him confident that China and Benin can continue to carry out fruitful cooperation in the future.

(Speech by Mr. Bygnon Cocou Rodrigue Aboua)

The seminar lasts for 21 days and the participants came from the Supreme Court of Benin, the First Instance Court of Abomeka City, the First Instance Court of Dasa Zume, the Second Instance Court of Jugu, the Court of First Instance of Nadi Dangu, and the Commercial Court of Cotonou. During the seminar, Chinese experts and scholars conducted exchanges and discussions with the participants on topics such as China's judicial system, China's administrative legal system, and China's judicial foreign aid. In addition, our university also arranged general courses such as China's national conditions, as well as Chinese traditional culture cloud experience courses, for example, Chinese tea art and Chinese guqin.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei