Activity Highlights

Seminar on Currency and Bank Management for Portuguese-Speaking Countries Organized by Our University Kicked Off

creation date:2021-08-27

On the evening of August 26,2021(GMT+8), the Opening Ceremony for " Seminar on Currency and Bank Management for Portuguese-Speaking Countries " hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Ms. Liu Beimin, Researcher with Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Ms. Xing Hong, Vice President of Bank of Shanghai Fengxian Sub-branch and Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of our university attended the opening ceremony.

(Main Site of the Online Opening Ceremony)

Ms. Liu Beimin pointed out that financial management is related to the country's economic and social development and the security of national wealth. It plays an important role in promoting economic growth, optimizing economic structure, safeguarding national interests, serving the real economy, and promoting investment and trade facilitation. She hopes to take this opportunity to share experience and ideas in currency and bank management, work together for China and Portuguese-speaking countries to strengthen exchanges in multiple fields and deepen pragmatic cooperation, and help the friendly relations to reach a new level.

(Speech by Liu Beimin)

Mr. Chen Wei said that our university has made adequate arrangements for this first Portuguese online seminar based on the needs of participants from different countries and regions. We have created the "Learnin" service platform and set up a variety of training forms such as special lectures, symposiums, cloud visits and cloud culture experience to share China’s knowledge, ideas, experience and practices in this field with participating officials, for example, the capital market development research, the commercial bank reform and development, the RMB internationalization,etc. So as to provide reference for participating developing countries, learn from each other, discuss the bottlenecks and problems encountered, and jointly cope with the new environment and new challenges.

(Speech by Chen Wei )

Ms. Xing Hong expressed the hope that through this Seminar, the mutual trust and the international cooperation between financial institutions in China and Portuguese-speaking countries can be deepened. She also hopes that they can strengthen the discussion of multilateral financial business, actively innovate financial cooperation mechanisms, and provide financial assistance for Portuguese-speaking countries to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road".

(Speech by Xing Hong )

Mr. Dome Suarez from the State Administration of Commerce of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Mozambique, and Ms. Dalila Menezes of the Central Bank of Sao Tome and Principe made speeches on behalf of all the participants. They expressed that in the context of the epidemic, it is a great honor to be invited to participate in this online seminar. They hope to learn currency and banking management knowledge, improve their professional capabilities, and seek more development cooperation opportunities between China and Portuguese-speaking countries in the future.

(Speech by Dome Suarez)

The Seminar will last for 14 days and 75 officials from the Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, Portugal and Sao Tome and Principe will participate in the training.

Written by: Hong Xingzhi

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei