Activity Highlights

A Delegation from Shanghai Open University Visit our University for Research and Exchange

creation date:2021-09-17

On the afternoon of September 16th, Zhang Jin, Vice President of Shanghai Open University, led a delegation including Weng Zhuhua,Dean of the International Exchange College and Xu Hongzhuo, Deputy Director of Academic Education Office, to our university to conduct research and exchanges. He Ying, Vice President of our university, Chen Wei, executive vice dean of college of international education, Dai Ying, vice dean of college of international education and relevant representatives attended the exchange meeting.

(The above picture shows the meeting scene)

At the meeting, Chen Wei first introduced the attendees of the meeting and extended a welcome to Vice President Zhang Jin and his party.He Ying introduced the general situation of our university's internationalization in terms of source of students, teachers and courses. Our university focuses on the "application-oriented, innovative and international" characteristics of management, and continues to promote professional certification and vocational competence certification in line with international standards. Our university has established a special zone for talents, implemented the "talent revolving door" system, and increased its efforts to attract overseas high-level talents. At the same time, our university relies on MOFCOM training base for international business officials (Shanghai) to give full play to regional advantages and business professional characteristics and initiates the establishment of the "Belt and Road" international business education alliance. Our university has actively carried out teacher exchanges, student exchanges, reforms, explorations, innovations, and practices of business talent training models with universities in the alliance.

During the exchange, the two sides focused on the successful approval of the Shanghai Lausanne School of Hotel Management at our university, focusing on in-depth discussions on enrollment, management, professional curriculum construction and the future development direction of international education for Sino-foreign cooperative education projects. This visit has deepened the communication and exchanges between the two universities. Both universities hope that in the future, normalized contacts can be established, in-depth exchanges can be implemented and cooperation on international education can be carried out to jointly promote the development of international education.

Written by: Shi Xiaomei

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei