Activity Highlights

Our University Held The Opening Ceremony for Seminar on Trade Facilitation Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries

creation date:2021-09-18

On the evening of September 17,2021(GMT+8), the Opening Ceremony for " Seminar on Trade Facilitation Cooperation for Belt and Road Countries " hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Ms. Liu Beimin, Researcher with Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce , and Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of SBS attended the opening ceremony.

(Main Site of the Online Opening Ceremony)

Ms. Liu Beimin pointed out that since the Belt and Road initiative (the BRI) based on the principle of “consultation, contribution and shared benefits” has been put forward, the proposal has attracted attention from all over the world and the favorers have come in crowds. China and 171 countries and international organizations have signed 205 cooperation documents for the joint construction of the BRI, and jointly carried out cooperation in more than 2,000 projects. Adhering to the spirit of the ancient Silk Road, the BRI is changing from a Chinese initiative to a global action, and has become a great practice to build a Global Community of Shared Future. She hopes that, taking the opportunity of the Seminar, all participants can learn about the construction achievements of Shanghai International Trade Center, make joint efforts in strengthening exchanges in multiple fields, deepen cooperation and contribute to trade facilitation in the BRI countries.

(Speech by Researcher Liu Beimin)

Mr. Chen Wei said that our university has made adequate arrangements based on the needs of the participants from different countries and regions. Besides, virtual display, expert explanation, and Q&A with discussion will be set in a progressive way to share Chinese practical experience and research achievements in the fields of the course and achievements of China’s opening to the outside world, the construction of Shanghai International Trade Center, the development history of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, China International Import Expo, the processing trade and China’s industrial development parks, the innovation and reform of China’s foreign investment law, etc. Therefore, all participants can share advanced experience, discuss the bottlenecks and challenges occurring in this field, and jointly cope with the new environment and new challenges.

Ms. Kim Channary, Head of Product Development Department of General Administration of Domestic Trade from the Ministry of Commerce of Cambodia, delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants. She said that given the importance of trade sector in an economy, the study of a successful economy of China will enable developing countries to benchmark and apply in their respective countries for a great extent. She strongly believes that this Seminar will be fruitful and productive which will be of help for them to expand their horizons and further refresh their knowledge with reference to trade sector through co-learning, discussing, and exploring each other cultures.

(Speech by Ms. Kim Channary)

The seminar lasts for 14 days, 77 government officials from 12 countries have participated, including Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Cuba, Ghana, Kenya, Kiribati, Mongolia, Oman, Panama, Slovenia, Venezuela and Belarus.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Shi Xiaomei

Reviewed by: Chen Wei