Activity Highlights

Ministerial Workshop on Financial Strategy in Developing Countries Organized by Our University Kicked Off

creation date:2021-10-18

On the evening of October 15,2021(GMT+8), the Opening Ceremony for "Ministerial Workshop on Financial Strategy in Developing Countries" hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Ms. He Ying, Vice President of our university and Mr. Fang Meng from Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce attended the opening ceremony. This Ministerial Workshop is the second online workshop held by our university this year. In the new development stage of the "Dual Circulation" under the post-epidemic era, the changes in the global economy and markets have brought huge challenges to the development of countries around the world. The Workshop aims to promote exchanges and cooperation between countries in the field of financial strategy, and provide China's experience to improve their financial strategy capabilities.

(Main Site of the Online Opening Ceremony)

Fang Meng pointed out that the financial strategy is vital to a country’s economic and social development and the security of people’s wealth, which plays an important role in maintaining economic growth and national interests and serving the real economy and individual benefits. With the development of technology and economy, financial strategy cooperation has become more important in the economy and society. He sincerely hopes the Workshop will provide the participants with an opportunity for mutual learning and exchanges, and become a platform to strengthen ties and practical cooperation in multiple fields, lifting the friendship between China and other developing countries to a new high.

He Ying said that in addition to the experts from our university, the Workshop also invited experts and scholars from East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, etc. They will share their practical experience and research results with the participants on many topics such as China's industrial structure changes and the development of financial services, FTZ financial reform, and sustainable financial development, so as to tell the story of China, spread the voice of China, and show the achievements of China. She hopes that all officials and friends can use the Workshop as a platform to share the advanced experience accumulated in financial development, discuss the bottlenecks and problems encountered in this field, and jointly cope with the new environment and new challenges.

Ms. Navola Bekberganova, Chief Economist of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants. She said that developing countries are facing considerable challenges in the process of formulating financial strategies, so each government is taking different measures to deal with it. By learning and learning from China's financial development concepts and practices, they will definitely be able to develop new ideas for financial strategies, so that they can apply what they have learned and contribute to the improvement of the country's financial development.

(Online Photo of the Ceremony)

The Workshop lasts for 7 days, 70 government officials from 11 countries have participated, including Bahamas, Bangladesh, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Ghana.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei