Activity Highlights

Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia Kicked Off

creation date:2021-12-09

On the morning of December 9, 2021(GMT+8), the Opening Ceremony for " Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia" hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Mr. Yu Jun, Counsellor(political affairs)of Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Ms. Liu Beimin, Investigator of Foreign Economics and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Mr. Samuel Lee, CEO of Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC), Mr. Lim Kai Hau, Assistant Director of Prime Minister's Department (Legal Affairs Division), Ms. Huang Lihong, Director of Shanghai Technology Innovation Center, Ms. He Ying, Vice President of Shanghai Business School and Mr. Chen Wei, Executive vice dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School attended the opening ceremony.

The offline venue

Nowadays in the context of economic globalization, the development of high-tech industries has become a global issue. Promoting its development is an important means to stimulate local economic vitality, promote industrial upgrading, solve social problems, and enhance the country's comprehensive strength. Incubation and cultivation is an issue that developing countries generally face, and it is also one of the keys to the rise of high-tech industries. The seminar is dedicated to cultivating high-tech industry-related management talents for Malaysia, sharing China's experience in this field, promoting exchanges and cooperation, and advancing common development between China and Malaysia.

The online photo

Liu Beimin delivered the opening speech on behalf of the project organizer. She expressed her sincere thanks to the governments and relevant departments of both countries for their efforts in promoting this seminar. She pointed out that the foreign ministers of China and Malaysia co-chaired the first meeting of the China-Malaysia Cooperation High-level Committee last week. Holding this seminar in this context has very important practical and far-reaching strategic significance. She hopes that research and exchanges can lead to project cooperation, and help the two countries to jointly improve the capacity and level of scientific and technological innovation and development.

The speech of Liu Beimin

Yu Jun introduced a successful cooperation case between Regaltech Technology Company of Malaysia and Alibaba Cloud of China in his speech. He said that the importance of high technology to the industry and economic model is very great. Malaysia is an important partner of China so he hopes that this seminar will allow the participants to learn a lot and further promote China-Malaysia high-tech industry cooperation.

The speech of Yu Jun

Li Taikang conveyed the congratulations of Datuk Seri Chang Qingxin, Malaysian Prime Minister's Special Envoy to China and Chairman of the Malaysia-China Business Council, on this seminar. He believes that China and Malaysia have great potential for economic and trade cooperation, and the cooperation between the two sides is getting closer. He hopes to promote cooperation in various fields through this seminar and jointly catch the development opportunities in the post-epidemic period.

The speech of Li Taikang

Huang Lihong pointed out that in recent years, China has further focused on the development path planning and policy service system of high-tech industries, and actively promoted the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries and the optimization of the overall industrial structure. Therefore, the Shanghai Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Center will remain open as always attitude, share the policy system and practical cases of high-tech industry, and also look forward to hearing the suggestions, problems and ideas of Malaysia.

The speech of Huang Lihong

He Ying introduced the preparation work and training arrangements for this seminar. Based on the specific needs of Malaysian participants, our university determined the implementation plan through three phases of research including training needs analysis, copywriting collection, and expert consultation and discussion. She said that the holding of the seminar is conducive to advancing the communication and cooperation between China and Malaysia in the high-tech industry, further expanding exchanges with each other, and carrying out various forms of mutually beneficial cooperation. Therefore, the results of the “Belt and Road” initiative can be benefited the world, opening up a new window of opportunities for China and Malaysia to complement advantages, and provide new development opportunities for the happiness of the two peoples.

The speech of He Ying

Mr. Lim Kai Hau, Assistant Director of Prime Minister's Department (Legal Affairs Division), delivered a speech on behalf of all the participants. He believes that Malaysia and China share a common vision and long-term goal in building a high-tech industry. This seminar will be an important platform for Malaysian and Chinese officials and experts to exchange knowledge and ideas in their respective fields. This will definitely have an important impact on the formulation of relevant policies and the creation of a superior business environment for public institutions and private enterprises in Malaysia.

The speech of Lim Kai Hau

This seminar will last for 14 days. A total of 59 government officials and business executives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Information and other departments of Malaysia will participate.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Zhou Dejiang

Reviewed by: Chen Wei