Activity Highlights

International Academic Forum on Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects of Business Education in the Post-epidemic Era was successfully held

creation date:2021-12-20

On the evening of December 17, International Academic Forum on Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects of Business Education in the Post-epidemic Era hosted by the College of International Education of our university was successfully held. He Ying, Vice President of our university and Luis Diego Monsalve, Colombian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China attended and delivered speeches.Yan Yuping, Dean of the College of Business Foreign Languages, Karenina B. Romualdo, Associate Professor from the School of Business Administration and Accounting of Central Luzon State University, Professor Cong Tianluo, Vice Dean of the School of International Education of Zhejiang Gongshang University, Professor George A. Gabrielian, Director of the International Exchange Office of the Russian New University, Professor Tian Xiaoyong, Vice Dean of the School of International Education of Shanghai International Studies University, and Professor Jose Pereyra, Director of the Strategic Planning and Competitiveness Office of the CENTRUM Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, respectively delivered keynote speeches. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education attended, and Dai Ying, Vice Dean of the College of International Education hosted the forum.

The forum is hosted in a combination of offline and online. Teachers from more than a dozen colleges and universities from the Philippines, Bangladesh, Armenia, Georgia, Albania, Russia, Peru, Colombia, Costa Rica, Argentina, Domica and other countries and some of our university’s foreign aid training officials participated in the forum online.

The offline main venue

In the context of the Covid-19 epidemic, the forum aims to analyze the challenges and opportunities faced by the "Belt and Road" business education, look forward to the development direction, explore new mechanisms for training high-level business management talents, and strengthen international exchanges between universities in the "Belt and Road" countries. In addition, in order to create a good atmosphere for accelerating transformation and development, a platform for promoting academic, economic and trade exchanges, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements and sharing of educational and teaching resources for countries and regions along the "Belt and Road" will be built.

Vice President He Ying delivered the opening speech. She pointed out that the purpose of the online forum is to jointly look forward to the new mechanism for training high-level business management talents under the “Belt and Road” initiative in the context of the epidemic, and to promote international exchanges between business colleges and universities, advance university-enterprise cooperation, and build an open international platform that promotes academic exchanges, economic and trade exchanges, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and sharing of educational and teaching resources for the countries and regions of the "Belt and Road". She hopes to take advantage of this forum to push the cooperation of the "Belt and Road" national business alliances to a new level and realize a new situation of resource sharing, complementary advantages, and mutual benefit.

Speech by Vice President He

Luis Diego Monsalve, Ambassador of the Republic of Colombia to the People’s Republic of China, delivered a speech congratulating the convening of this Forum. He pointed out that in the context of the “Belt and Road” initiative, the exchanges and cooperation between the two countries in various fields are more frequent. He hopes that under this background, the cooperation and exchanges between Chinese and Colombian universities in education, scientific research cooperation, talent training, cultural exchanges and other fields can be further promoted.

Speech by the Ambassador

Professor Yan Yuping, Dean of the College of Business Foreign Languages, with the theme of "Chinese Experience in Reshaping Business Higher Education in the Post-Pandemic Era", focused on analyzing the challenges of internationalization, higher education, and business education, and proposed China's response. She also expressed the expectation of participating in the exchange and co-construction of global business academies, and hoped to provide new thinking on science education for experts from all countries participating in this Forum.

Speech by Professor Yan Yuping

Karenina B. Romualdo, Associate Professor from the School of Business Administration and Accounting of Central Luzon State University, once participated in a training project organized by the MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) of our university. She actively coordinated and promoted the cooperation between the two universities after the training. In this forum, from the perspective of national higher education institutions, she put forward her views on business education in modern higher education, analyzed the challenges and bottlenecks, and looked forward to the development of business education in the future.

Speech by Associate Professor Romualdo

Professor Cong Tianluo, Vice Dean of the School of International Education of Zhejiang Gongshang University, elaborated on the college’s long-term and good experience in inter-university cooperation from the three aspects of innovative talent training mechanism, the active promotion of "Internet + teaching", and service to the national strategy. He hoped that experts from all over the world could explore the new pattern of inclusiveness, co-construction and sharing in the internationalization of universities.

Speech by Professor Cong Tianluo

Professor George A. Gabrielian, Director of the International Exchange Office of the Russian New University, analyzed the software and hardware skills needed for future talent training, and the talent training mechanism in the future, he put forward suggestions of cooperation and sharing among resources among universities, and looked forward to the future development model of international education. The Russian New University has established close scientific, educational and commercial cooperation agreements with major educational institutions in Europe, Asia, North America and Latin America.

Speech by Professor George A. Gabrielian

Professor Tian Xiaoyong, Vice Dean of the School of International Education of Shanghai International Studies University, delivered a speech on "Technological Empowerment Transformation in Business English Teaching and Learning". He pointed out that in the post-epidemic era, the application of technology is the key to internationalization. He hopes that when technology enters the teaching field of colleges and universities, the business English subject can cross national borders, overcome obstacles and difficulties caused by the epidemic, and achieve comprehensive communication and development.

Speech by Professor Tian Xiaoyong

Professor Jose Pereyra, Director of the Strategic Planning and Competitiveness Office of the CENTRUM Business School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, based on the “Belt and Road” initiative, discussed opportunities to strengthen cooperation between business schools in Latin America and China in this context. From the macro and micro perspectives, he proposed how to strengthen the cooperation, the possible fields and methods of cooperation between colleges and universities, and looked forward to the future prospects of cooperation between universities in Latin America and Chinese universities.

Speech by Professor Pereyra

In the forum, experts and scholars from various countries expressed their opinions on the future development of business education in the post-epidemic era. They agreed that the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” is a popular international public product and international cooperation platform, hence the international education cooperation prospects are broad.

The Online Photo

Written by: Sun Ya

Photographed by: Zhang Wen, Shi Xiaomei

Reviewed by: Chen Wei