Activity Highlights

Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries and Seminar on Engineering Management for Developing Countries Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-07-08

On the evening of July 7, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremonies for "Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries" and "Seminar on Engineering Management for Developing Countries" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) were held online. Chen Wei, executive vice dean of International Education College of Shanghai Business School attended the ceremonies and delivered speeches. Mi Jinhong, Associate Professor from the College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Maritime University also made remark on behalf of all the experts.

Online opening ceremony 

We are meeting at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic is eroding decades of gains in global development, the implementation of the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is encountering difficulties. At the same time, people in all developing countries are more keen about pursuing peace, development and cooperation. As the largest developing country in the world, China always pays attention to and supports the cause of improving people's livelihood and seeking development in other developing countries, and will strengthen and deepen the solidarity and cooperation with the vast number of developing countries. Through the two seminars, our university shared China's successful experience in the fields of engineering management and international judicial cooperation, providing references for the participating countries, improving the independent development ability of the participating countries, practicing the international mission, and promoting the joint development between China and the participating countries.

Focusing on the theme, Seminar on Engineering Management for Developing Countries invited experts and scholars from Tongji University, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai University, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai Tunnel Engineering and Rail Transit Design and Research Institute, Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute, Shanghai Construction Group, China MCCS Group, Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute and other units to conduct exchanges on topics such as urban road engineering design and management, green building engineering management and project management experience of large and complex projects. Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries invited experts and scholars from East China University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai University of Political Science and Law, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai Customs College, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai High People's Court, East China Procuratorial Research Institute, and Beijing Yingke (Shanghai) Law Firm to conduct exchanges on topics such as China's judicial reform experience, the system and practice of international criminal judicial cooperation, China's judicial structure and criminal trial system.

The two seminars have been unanimously affirmed and praised by the trainees in all aspects from the organization to the service, from the content to the method, and from the learning to the online service. "The seminar exceeded my expectations in every aspect, whether it's in the studio here today, during the conference, or even during the online exchange." Expert from the Seminar on Engineering Management for Developing Countries, Altangerel Davaajargal from the Ministry of Construction and Urban Development of Mongolia said at the closing ceremony, "Currently, Humankind faces unprecedented changes with globalization and economic development, and challenges such as global governance coordination failure to resolve urgent matter like climate change. The gravity of the situation calls for all stakeholders to work together. I hope this seminar can shield light on the future of globalization and better understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative." Participant from the Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries, Associate Professor Nimaduram Chutiya from Mongolia University of Internal Affairs said at the closing ceremony, "The seminar was very informative and covered a wide range of topics. It was very exciting to know the similarities and differences between our criminal justice systems. The knowledge of Chinese tea culture and folk music is an extra surprise. The teaching experts are very competent, I would like to express my warmest respect to them. Deep thanks to the project organizer!"

Speech by participant representative

Both seminars lasted 21 days and 49 government officials 7 countries including Ethiopia, Mongolia, Botswana, Colombia, Malawi, Sri Lanka and Zambia attended the Seminar on Engineering Management for Developing Countries. 41 government officials 11 countries including Afghanistan, Peru, Mongolia, South Sudan, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Uzbekistan, Iraq and Zambia attended the Seminar on International Criminal Justice Cooperation for Developing Countries.

Written by: Guan Rui, Liang Bo

Photos by: Liu Liu

Reviewed by: Chen Wei