Activity Highlights

Our University Hosts Opening Ceremonies of Seminar on Trade Promotion for Belt and Road Countries and Seminar for State-Owned Enterprise Executives of Developing Countries 

creation date:2022-06-23

On the evening of June 22, 2022 (GMT+8), the opening ceremonies for Seminar on Trade Promotion for Belt and Road Countries and Seminar for State-Owned Enterprise Executives of Developing Countries hosted by Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) were held online. Liu Beimin, investigator of the Foreign Economics and Cooperation Division of Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, He Ying, vice president of Shanghai Business School and Feng Shujun, chief expert and researcher of the Think Tank Center of SBS attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches.

Online opening ceremony

President Xi Jinping emphasized that emerging market countries and developing countries represent the future of world development. It is our due responsibility to promote international development cooperation and implement the sustainable development agenda. In today's economic globalization, the ties between various countries have become closer, which brings opportunities for extensive cooperation between different countries and regions. Both seminars were held to further strengthen pragmatic cooperation and yielded fruitful results in the fields of trade promotion and state-owned enterprise management respectively.

Liu Beimin said that as the largest developing country, China has put forward a series of new development concepts and new measures. China upholds the correct concept of justice and interests, and strives to do a good job of solidarity, cooperation and exchanges with developing countries. It is hoped that China's series of policy measures can bring some inspiration to the capacity building of officials in developing countries.

Speech by Liu Beimin

He Ying said that both seminars are led by the promotion of building a community with a shared future for mankind, aim to promote exchanges and cooperation between China and developing countries in the field of official capacity building, open a new window of opportunity for China and developing countries to complement each other's advantages and open up development, and provide new development opportunities for improving the well-being of the people of all countries.

Speech by He Ying

Feng Shujun, speaking as the expert representative, expressed that the seminars could pave the way for economic cooperation between China and developing countries, and he hoped to share Chinese experience and Chinese wisdom with the participants through his lectures.

Speech by expert representative

Speaking on behalf of the participants, Mr. Long Guanqing, Sales and Marketing Manager of Brunei Sullivan Pte Ltd, expressed his hope to meet people from different backgrounds, understand different cultures, learn from each other and seek opportunities for development. Another participant, Anthony Maponwe, CEO of Mahinga District Council, Malawi, expressed his gratitude to the organizer.

Speech by participant representative

After the outbreak of COVID-19, the people of China and developing countries have been supporting and helping each other. The relationship between China and developing countries has continued to improve amid the test of COVID-19. China and the vast number of developing countries have united to help each other fight the pandemic, overcome difficulties and strive for common development. Our university held online seminars for international business officials, vividly interpreting "close friends from a distant land" idiom with actions and enriched the connotation of the community of shared future for mankind.

Both seminars lasted 21 days and were attended by 62 government officials from the state-owned enterprise management and trade promotion departments of Zambia, Cambodia, South Africa, Jamaica, Philippines, Cameroon, Nigeria, Brunei, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Malawi, South Sudan, Venezuela, Oman, Mongolia, Uganda and other countries.

Written by: Liang Bo

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei