Activity Highlights

Seminar on the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises for Portuguese Speaking Countries Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-09-30

On the evening of September 28, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on the Management of Small and Medium Enterprises for Portuguese Speaking Countries" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of International Education College of SBS and Zhang Hui, the expert representative, Associate Professor from Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance attended the closing ceremony and delivered a speech.  

Closing ceremony

The seminar lasted 21 days and was attended by 66 government officials from Mozambique and Brazil. During the seminar, a number of lectures, discussions, cultural experiences and other activities were organized to introduce the achievements and experience of China in the field of SME management, deepen the participants' understanding of China and promote the exchange and cooperation between the countries in this field. 

Speech by Chen Wei)

Chen Wei mentioned that with the further deepening of cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, both sides have the need to adjust the trade structure and carry out industrial upgrading and transformation, and the position of SMEs in cooperation has been enhanced. Both China and Portuguese-speaking countries are actively expanding the extension and connotation of cooperation in emerging fields, and in this process, the advantages of SMEs' flexibility and diversity are given full play. The innovative spirit of SMEs can be used for a wide range of product and market innovations in emerging industries.

Speech by Zhang Hui

Zhang Hui pointed out that in the context of the current global economic recession, the economies of all countries are facing various difficulties. Maybe the economic problems are different in each country, but the feeling of difficulties and the impact on our lives are the same. We may not be able to reverse the trend of economic recession, but we can think of some ways to slow down the rate of recession, or escape the economic winter and meet the future economic recovery.

Speech by the participant representative

Mr. MAURÍCIO ZANGRANDI ROCHA, Data Engineer, ITAU, Brazil, and Ms. Tuáira Amade Saide Macele, CEO of TMS Consulting, Mozambique, spoke on behalf of all the participants. Mauricio and Tuila said that the seminar was very fruitful and that the 21 days of dedicated and enthusiastic learning, sharing and exchange activities were very rewarding for all, not only deepening the participants' knowledge of Chinese culture and its achievements during development, but also establishing a platform for cooperation and exchange. He expressed his sincere thanks to the university for its contribution to the promotion of Sino-Portuguese friendship, to the lecturers for the rich knowledge they imparted, to the translators who worked tirelessly, and to all the staff of the management team behind the scenes who ensured the smooth running of the seminar for their hard work.

Online group photo

Written by: Liu Liu

Photos by: Shi Xiaomei

Reviewed by: Chen Wei