Activity Highlights

Seminar on Financial Accounting and Management for Officials from Developing Countries Completed Successfully

creation date:2022-11-29

On the evening of November 28, 2022 (GMT+8), the closing ceremony for "Seminar on Financial Accounting and Management for Officials from Developing Countries" hosted by the Ministry of Commerce and jointly organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) and Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China (SSFERTC) was held online. Liu Yinan, President of SSFERTC, Chen Wei, Vice Dean of the College of International Education of SBS, and Liu Ting, Associate Professor of the Beijing Technology and Business University, attended the closing ceremony and delivered speeches.

Online Opening Ceremony

As the world's largest developing country, China is committed to promoting close partnerships with other developing countries, sharing its development opportunities with them, and always being a reliable friend and sincere partner of developing countries. By co-organizing this seminar with SSFERTC, our university shares China's successful experience in this field, providing reference for the participating countries, enhancing their independent development capacity and cooperation development, and promoting common development.

Liu Yinan said that deepening cooperation is the common choice of developing countries, and China is willing to work hand in hand with developing countries to build for the future. This seminar further deepens the exchange and cooperation in finance and accounting management, shares successful experiences, and contributes to building a community of human destiny together.

Speech by Liu Yinan

Chen Wei said that this seminar is an exchange and exploration of financial accounting and management between China and the participating countries, and a vivid case of promoting international development cooperation and practicing the development concept of building a community of human destiny. Although the course has ended, the exchanges and cooperation in this field will be broader, and the friendship will definitely be renewed. It is sincerely hoped that the participants will help to promote the cooperation between China and developing countries, and become messengers to convey friendship.

Speech by Chen Wei

Expert representative Liu Ting said she was encouraged by the participants' persistence in attending the training and active participation in the discussions despite the difficulties, and encouraged them to actively participate in other training courses sponsored by the MOFCOM or apply for master's degree programs at Chinese universities to benefit from China's development experience and wisdom.

Speech by Liu Ting

Mr. Pamodu Sira, the participant representative from Gambia Charity Organization, said that through the seminar, he got to know more about China, a friendly and great country. He hoped to come to China in the near future to learn more about China and its rich culture in a realistic way.

Speech by participant representative

The seminar lasted for 21 days and 60 participants from 19 countries including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Gambia and Jamaica attended.

Group photo


Written by: Zhao Zixuan

Photos by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei