Activity Highlights

Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia completed in the Solemn National Anthem

creation date:2021-12-23

On the afternoon of December 22, 2021 (Beijing time), the closing ceremony for Seminar on the Development Prospects of High Technology (How to Incubate and Cultivate Industries) for Malaysia sponsored by Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and organized by MOFCOM Training Base for International Business Officials (Shanghai) was held online. Madam He Ying, Vice President of Shanghai Business School, made a summary of the program on behalf of SBS, and Mr. Li Taikang, CEO of the Malaysia-China Business Council, issued the course-completion certificates to the participants. Mr. Yu Jun, Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Malaysia, Mr. Chen Runyun, Vice President of the Academy for International Business Officials, MOFCOM, Ms. Duan Weihua, Dean of the Second Department of Foreign Aid Training Project Management, Mr. Luo Zhisong, Chief Economist of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Ms. Liu Beimin, Researcher of Division of Foreign Economic Cooperation, Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, and Mr. Chen Wei, Executive Vice Dean of the College of International Education of SBS, attended the ceremony.

The Main Venue of the Closing Ceremony in Shanghai

On behalf of the program sponsor, Mr. Chen Runyun delivered a speech, pointing out that China-Malaysian relations have been continuously improved in the joint fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and the joint promotion of recovery. China and Malaysia have further enhanced the cooperation in capacity building. The successful Seminar strongly supported by the relevant departments of the Malaysian government and the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia is a product of the joint efforts.

Mr. Chen Runyun is delivering a speech

Mr. Luo Zhisong suggested in his speech that China and Malaysia have shown complementary traits and great cooperation potential in economy, and expected, with the help of Shanghai’s resources in the development of high-tech industries and the Seminar platform, that the both sides will continue to enhance “double parks in both countries” and explore cooperation in emerging fields such as 5G, big data, and cloud computing.

Mr. Yu Jun spoke on behalf of the Embassy. He mentioned that China and Malaysia are eternal brothers and neighbors with similar courses in science and technology development, and have achieved extensive cooperation results. He encouraged Huawei, Alibaba and other outstanding Chinese technological innovation companies to further strengthen cooperation with Malaysia in S&T research and other fields, and work together for win-win results and common development in the “post-pandemic era”.

The representative participant, Mr. Kerry Ben Omar, the Deputy Director of the Southeast Asia Regional Anti-Terrorism Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia, shared the insights gained from this Seminar. He talked freely about the convenience provided by technological innovation for global counter-terrorism, and expressed his sincere gratitude for the program sponsor, the program organizer and all the teaching experts.

In addition to the main venue in Shanghai, the closing ceremony was simultaneously broadcast live in the Beijing and Malaysia branch venues. At the main venue, wonderful highlights during the 14-day Seminar period were displayed, including the participants’ discussion on various Seminar topics such as the development trend of Chinese technology innovation enterprises and the industrial incubation, Fintech and financial innovation, etc., the cloud visit to JingData Industry Innovation Center to access the incubation and cultivation of high-tech industries in the Yangtze River Delta, and the cloud experience of traditional Chinese tea culture and guqin culture online. The online lectures and cloud experiences allowed the  participants to know more about China in an all-round way.

The Branch Venue of the Closing Ceremony in Malaysia

2021 marks the first year of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan period, the beginning of Malaysia’s 12th five-year development plan, and the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. Centering on the construction of scientific and technological innovation capabilities, the Seminar practically implements relevant national strategies, further strengthens cooperation in human resources development, and promotes the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Malaysia to a new height in the post-pandemic period.

Written by: Guan Rui

Photographed by: Li Zheng

Reviewed by: Chen Wei